The world of Succulent Cupcakes

Aloe there, welcome! Assuming your love for succulents has brought you here - I mean, why else would you make cupcakes that look like succulents? Donut worry, you'll find decorating cupcakes fun and easy with our succulent cupcake tutorials for beginners. Yes, our goal here is to help beginner bakers or busy moms learn the art of decorating succulent cupcakes.

We all had dreams of waking up in a house filled with plants. We all want those cute succulents that we can post on our social media and brag about. But if you’re a normal person, like myself, who wasn't bestowed with superpowers of growing plants, you aren’t aloe. I mean, you aren’t alone. We all know someone (me) who can’t get a “low maintenance” plant to stay alive. We’ve all been there, you know, killed one or two (or 13) plants. But that's okay, we’ll stuff ourselves full of these delicious cupcakes instead.

You don’t need to be an experienced baker to create these delicious cupcakes. All you need is your love for succulents and some baking supplies.

Succulent cupcake basics

Featured Cupcakes